Order Issues

Buyer gave a wrong location
If the buyer gives off a wrong address, try to contact the buyer via your app. We recommend that you talk through the direction with the buyer before produc...
Fri, 3 Sep, 2021 at 8:52 AM
Client did not receive Delivery code
Petro sends a delivery code to the phone number associated with the client’s Petro account once you click on “Delivered”. If the client did not receive the ...
Fri, 3 Sep, 2021 at 8:53 AM
I have a complaint about Buyer's behaviour
Please let us know if a buyer behaves inappropriately.  Your detailed feedback is essential and will help us to follow up with the buyer to take action ...
Thu, 2 Sep, 2021 at 7:59 AM
I want to call my Buyer about an Order
Petro allows you to connect with your buyer if the order is still open.   To contact the buyer: Go to your seller dashboard  Tap “orders”  Select the a...
Thu, 2 Sep, 2021 at 7:59 AM